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Verizon Wireless experienced yet another data outage -- the third in less than a month -- on Wednesday. Customers reported trouble accessing Verizon Wireless' 4G network, based on LTE technology. Customers were also reporting issues with Verizon's 3G service, though Verizon consistently denied any issues with its 3G network.
Just days before Christmas, Verizon Wireless experienced widespread outages that made national headlines. And that was after an early December outage that angered customers and an April outage that got Verizon customers in a tizzy. In all, Verizon's advanced network has failed customers four times in 2011.
Verizon Wireless used Twitter to send out a message that the problem was solved early Thursday morning: "4G LTE issued resolved overnight. 3G operated normally; calling, texting were unaffected." Meanwhile, Verizon was also tweeting messages like this one on Thursday morning: "For a limited time, get 4 GB of data for just $30 mo. access w/a voice plan when you buy a 4G LTE smartphone."
The Most Reliable?
Verizon boasts about having the most reliable wireless network, but the rash of outages suggests there is a kink in the wireless carrier's armor -- and AT&T may be able to take advantage. Verizon has not offered an explanation for the outages.
Rob Enderle, principal analyst at Enderle Group, said the timing was bad for Verizon. People want to be able to trust their wireless phone service, he noted, and that means 24/7 service. Verizon has repeatedly let consumers down.
"Verizon is really trying to step out against AT&T. AT&T's stats are getting quite a bit better. Verizon's are getting quite a bit worse," Enderle said. "If Verizon was looking for any long-term pick up, it seems much less likely they will get it now. It's unfortunate timing because AT&T is actually strengthening, so Verizon may actually end up losing more customers to AT&T."
Ghost in the Network
After December's second outage, some consumers reported ongoing issues that have yet to be resolved. Verizon's online forums offer reports of all sorts of issues with its products -- and some customers vowing not to stay with the company.
"Since the Verizon outage a week or so ago my hotspot will not pick up 4G. this is in Washington, D.C. and Bethesda, Md., where I've never had anything less than 10 mbps. I'm now lucky to get 1.5. No amount of resetting changes it," wrote a customer using the name landsw on Verizon's online forum.
Another Verizon customer who uses the handle suspicious99 reported trouble with his computer data card service for the past few weeks that resulted in no Internet service.
"I believe the problem lies with Verizon and switching over to 4G," he wrote. "They are taking towers off line and redoing the electrical equipment, therefore a call has to go to the next tower."
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PALM HARBOR, Fla. ? A Florida animal sanctuary says Cheetah, the chimpanzee sidekick in the Tarzan movies of the early 1930s, has died at 80. But other accounts call that claim into question.
Debbie Cobb, outreach director at the Suncoast Primate Sanctuary in Palm Harbor, said Wednesday that her grandparents acquired Cheetah around 1960 from "Tarzan" star Johnny Weissmuller and that the chimp appeared in Tarzan films between 1932 and 1934. During that period, Weissmuller made "Tarzan the Ape Man" and "Tarzan and His Mate."
But Cobb offered no documentation, saying it was destroyed in a 1995 fire.
Also, some Hollywood accounts indicate a chimpanzee by the name of Jiggs or Mr. Jiggs played Cheetah alongside Weissmuller early on and died in 1938.
In addition, an 80-year-old chimpanzee would be extraordinarily old, perhaps the oldest ever known. According to many experts and Save the Chimps, another Florida sanctuary, chimpanzees in captivity generally live to between 40 and 60, though Lion Country Safari in Loxahatchee, Fla., says it has one that is around 73.
A similar claim about another chimpanzee that supposedly played second banana to Weissmuller was debunked in 2008 in a Washington Post story.
Writer R.D. Rosen discovered that the primate, which lived in Palm Springs, Calif., was born around 1960, meaning it wasn't oldest enough to have been in the Tarzan movies of Hollywood's Golden Age that starred Olympic swimming star Weissmuller as the vine-swinging, loincloth-wearing Ape Man and Maureen O'Sullivan as Jane.
While a number of chimpanzees played the sidekick role in the Tarzan movies of the 1930s and `40s, Rosen said in an email Wednesday that this latest purported Cheetah looks like a "business-boosting impostor as well."
"I'm afraid any chimp who actually shared a soundstage with Weissmuller and O'Sullivan is long gone," Rosen said.
Cobb said Cheetah died Dec. 24 of kidney failure and was cremated.
"Unfortunately, there was a fire in `95 in which a lot of that documentation burned up," Cobb said. "I'm 51 and I've known him for 51 years. My first remembrance of him coming here was when I was actually 5, and I've known him since then, and he was a full-grown chimp then."
Film historian and Turner Classic Movies host Robert Osbourne said the Cheetah character "was one of the things people loved about the Tarzan movies because he made people laugh. He was always a regular fun part of the movies."
In his time, the Cheetah character was as popular as Rin Tin Tin or Asta, the dog from the "Thin Man" movies, Osbourne said.
"He was a major star," he said.
At the animal sanctuary, Cheetah was outgoing, loved finger painting and liked to see people laugh, Cobb said. But he could also be ill-tempered. Cobb said that when the chimp didn't like what was going on, he would fling feces and other objects.
Associated Press writers Ben Nuckols in Washington and Jennifer Kay in Miami contributed to this report.
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RT talks to academic, linguist, and philosopher Noam Chomsky about the application for the UN to recognize Palestine as an independent state, Israel and the US? unstable domestic situation.
Noam Chomsky discusses the Wall Street protests in the US and says, ?It is about time for some protests. There is a lot of plain criminal activity like selling subprime mortgages, which you know perfectly well are not going to be repaid?.
He says that is what caused the financial crisis, but the banks are left ?bigger and richer than before, corporate profits are reaching record levels?, yet ?unemployment is at about the level of the Great Depression?.
In terms of Palestinian UN bid for full membership, Chomsky says, ?It is true that the US announced that it would cast a veto. Couple of moths ago they cast a veto at the Security Council?.
Chomsky says that Israel has a choice between security and expansion, yet it has been choosing expansion for decades, which it can get away with until the US, EU and other powers continue to support it, states the professor.
Chomsky highlights that it is Israel that is imposing a condition on negotiations, which is settlement expansion.
Palestinians ?know perfectly well that if they go back to meaningless negotiations organized by the US, then they can talk forever, meanwhile settlement expansion will continue?.
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Updated 07:05 30 Dec 2011 by Luke Johnson
Top tech news of the day sees Samsung ship one million Galaxy Note handsets since launch, the iPad 3 release rumoured again and new iTV details
Samsung sends a Note of success
Samsung?s oversized handset come undersized tablet the Samsung Galaxy Note has hit a major milestone with one million devices shipped since the stylus touting device?s release earlier in the year. Despite sparking questions as to what market the Note would fit Sammy has been bragging about its success with the Note following the Galaxy S II over the million sales mark.
Link: GeekyGadgets
Apple iTV release to revolutionise TV
Apple?s much mooted iTV television sets are to completely revolutionise the broadcasting industry, new reports have suggested. Taking television viewing to the next level Apple is reportedly set to offer a full infrastructure with internet TV to be bolstered by custom built subscription based channels allowing users to view only what they want, when they want.
Link: PocketLint
iPad 3 release date rumoured once again
Yet more iPad 3 release date rumours are circulating with the next-generation iOS tablet tipped to land at iWorld, the Apple based exposition formerly known as the Macworld Expo. Apple, which is set to attend the show for the first time since 2009 is said to be preparing two new tablets for launch with the high-end iPad 3 to be joined by either a lower end model or a 7-inch device.
Link: Digitimes
Kindle Fire sales soar
Amazon has had a very merry Christmas with new reports revealing the online retailer come gadget manufacturing great shifted a hefty 4 million Kindle devices during December with sales being led by the company?s recently released Android tablet. Thanks to the Amazon Kindle Fire more than 1 million Kindle devices were sold per week in the run up to Christmas.
Link: TechCrunch
Tablet S goes out for an Ice Cream Sandwich
Sony?s first foray into the tablet market, the Sony Tablet S has been confirmed as heading for a Google Android 4.0 update with an exact release date to be announced in the near future. Confirmed to be making the jump to Android Ice Cream Sandwich the Sony Tablet S will join the likes of the Galaxy Nexus as running the latest Android OS.
Link: GeekyGadgets
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From Amy Winehouse to Elizabeth Taylor, see the stars who passed away this year -- but left their mark on the world
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This note is from Business Insider Intelligence, a new internet industry research service. To learn more and sign up, please?click here.
Yes, predictions are hard, especially about the future. But they're fun!
And, sometimes, they can even be useful. They're rarely correct but, perhaps, they help clarify and hone one's thinking about the future.?
And so, in the spirit of enlightened thinking about our industry, here are Business Insider Intelligence's 12 Internet Predictions For 2012:
Amazon's Kindle Fire changed the tablet game, largely thanks to its price, way below the competition; It looks like it's going to be a holiday blockbuster;?
Meanwhile, Google is fighting a platform war with Apple and has been humiliated on the tablet front, with high-priced, lower-featured Android tablets getting clobbered by the iPad. The way Google can grab tablet marketshare, which it needs to do, is to imitate Amazon's strategy of selling a radically lower-priced tablet at a loss. And, for the first time, it can do that, since it's in the process of buying tablet-maker Motorola.
Facebook already has 800 million users, and many people assume that its growth is hitting a wall, as it reaches dominance in the big developed markets and it's locked out of markets like China and Russia. But, there is still a lot of room for growth in places like South-East Asia, India and Brazil, and Facebook's network effect is a powerful thing.?
A lot of ink is being spilt on Twitter's product, Twitter's executive turnover, Twitter's usage--and these are all noteworthy topics to cover. But while all this is going on, Twitter has been quietly building a huge business.?
In the past year or so, Twitter has been tentatively experimenting with various ad formats, and now it's found the formats that work for advertisers and consumers. 2012 will be the year when Twitter really scales it up and starts generating very serious revenue.
It's over for RIM. The company's the walking dead. We all know that. The market now has realized it. At some point someone like HTC or Nokia or someone else will snap it up for its patents and its enterprise business. (Maybe even ZTE, the Chinese mobile OEM that is trying to move up the stack and become a consumer brand.)
Apple has had an uncanny ability to explode past most analyst estimates, as this great chart at right from Asymco's Horace Dediu shows. This was due to two reasons: analysts underestimated Apple, and Apple grabbed on to two huge rocketship markets with the iPhone and the iPad.
These two problems are being solved. The iPhone is hitting a natural limit as Android swallows the market, and while the iPad is ushering in the post-PC era, its growth is probably steadily predictable. And while Apple is likely to come out with some sort of amazing revolutionary new TV product next year, that's not as big a market as phones and tablets, so even if it does very well it won't supercharge Apple's top and bottom lines, at least not in the first year.?
This boring prediction is actually risky: over the past few years, the "safe" bet has been that Apple would overperform, and Apple fanboys have had a lot of fun quoting industry analysts predicting the demise of, you name it, the iMac, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad. And maybe we'll look this foolish a year from now. But we think Apple is in "cruise speed" and expectations have caught up to this superbly-run and innovative company. So we think Apple will grow fast and be in rude health in 2012, but, for once, won't deviate much from the consensus forecast.
Many people are expecting Nokia to be the next RIM--an ignominious collapse. And indeed it has slid a lot. But Nokia is much bigger than RIM and, unlike RIM, its execs aren't asleep at the wheels. They are pumping out good phones with a good software platform, into one of the world's biggest phone distribution channels. It will take many years before we see if Nokia and Microsoft will become a strong player in mobile, but next year Nokia will neither do outstandingly nor collapse, but do OK.
As the price of a Kindle goes down, Amazon's revenue and losses go up
After years in "harvesting" mode Amazon is back in "investing" mode. Jeff Bezos, the most long-term thinking entrepreneur on Earth, realizes he is looking at some massive opportunities: building a complete digital media distribution ecosystem; building the biggest cloud platform of the 21st century; and, last but not least, eating retail.?All of these opportunities require upfront investment. But because Bezos has been at this before, they will pay off. All of the things that Bezos is investing in--below-cost tablets, perks for Amazon Prime subscribers, data centers for Amazon Web Services--show up as more revenue and less profits. We think you will be surprised next year by how big the losses will be and how fast the revenue will grow.
With the internet now reaching over a billion people, plenty of vertical markets have reached a tipping point, becoming big enough to support massive companies focused on one product category. Examples include Gilt Groupe for fashion, Warby Parker for glasses, One Kings' Lane and for home decor, and others. With these pioneers leading the way, investment and value creation in this area will proliferate. (Thanks to Silicon Valley demigod Marc Andreessen for reminding us.)
Where usage leads, dollars follow...
Mobile advertising is still tiny compared to internet advertising, let alone all advertising, but it won't stay that way forever: smartphones are proliferating, outselling even PCs, and will soon reach a scale unseen in the history of computing. This isn't a bold prediction. What may be bolder is that some mobile ad companies will finally grow huge this year, with a mobile ad network, probably either InMobi or Millenial Media, going public. Mobile isn't yet taking over the world, but it's now big enough that some companies are now generating serious revenue and we'll see more of that.Rovio is (or at least wants to be) the next Disney: it makes money not so much through the products it's known for (movies for Disney, games for Rovio), but through tons of merchandise connected to the magic brands these products popularize. Accordingly, Rovio has an ambitious retail strategy of opening amazing Angry Birds stores, and it will probably open one in the US in 2012 (though Europe and China are first).
"Enterprise is sexy." You're about to hear that phrase a lot. The stars are all aligned for enterprise startups. Companies are sitting on tons of cash, not knowing what to do with it, because of the economy. Trends like the consumerization of IT, the proliferation of new mobile devices and the cloud have converged, giving a serious opportunity for newcomers to displace the incumbent enterprise software players. 2012 will be a year of big IPOs (like Workday) and big financings (Yammer, for ambitious enterprise startups.
"The Internet Of Things" is a catchy term revolving around the idea that most everyday objects around us will be equipped with internet-collected electronics, and this will open up new applications. This goes from novelty items like scales that tweet your weight (encouraging you through peer pressure to watch it) to ambitious visions like Jawbone's steps toward wearable computing. We're not yet sure if The Internet Of Things will be a huge business or a passing fad, but we're willing to bet you'll be hearing a ton about it in 2012.?
What did we get wrong? What are we missing?
This note was published as part of Business Insider Intelligence, a new industry research service from Business Insider. To learn more and sign up, please?click here.
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Syphilis was one of the first global diseases, and understanding where it came from and how it spread may help us combat diseases today
By Charles Q. Choi and LiveScience ?| December 27, 2011
Image: Library of Congress
In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue, but when he returned from 'cross the seas, did he bring with him a new disease?
New skeletal evidence suggests Columbus and his crew not only introduced the Old World to the New World, but brought back syphilis as well, researchers say.
Syphilis is caused by Treponema pallidum bacteria, and is usually curable nowadays with antibiotics. Untreated, it can damage the heart, brain, eyes and bones; it can also be fatal.
The first known epidemic of syphilis occurred during the Renaissance in 1495. Initially its plague broke out among the army of Charles the VIII after the French king invaded Naples. It then proceeded to devastate Europe, said researcher George Armelagos, a skeletal biologist at Emory University in Atlanta.
"Syphilis has been around for 500 years," said researcher Molly Zuckerman at Mississippi State University. "People started debating where it came from shortly afterward, and they haven't stopped since. It was one of the first global diseases, and understanding where it came from and how it spread may help us combat diseases today."
Stigmatized disease
The fact that syphilis is a stigmatized sexually transmitted disease has added to the controversy over its origins. People often seem to want to blame some other country for it, said researcher Kristin Harper, an evolutionary biologist at Emory. [Top 10 Stigmatized Health Disorders]
Armelagos originally doubted the so-called Columbian theory for syphilis when he first heard about it decades ago. "I laughed at the idea that a small group of sailors brought back this disease that caused this major European epidemic," he recalled. Critics of the Columbian theory have proposed that syphilis had always bedeviled the Old World but simply had not been set apart from other rotting diseases such as leprosy until 1500 or so.
However, upon further investigation, Armelagos and his colleagues got a shock ? all of the available evidence they found supported the Columbian theory, findings they published in 1988. "It was a paradigm shift," Armelagos says. Then in 2008, genetic analysis by Armelagos and his collaborators of syphilis's family of bacteria lent further support to the theory.
Still, there have been reports of 50 skeletons from Europe dating back from before Columbus set sail that apparently showed the lesions of chronic syphilis. These seemed to be evidence that syphilis originated in the Old World and that Columbus was not to blame.
Armelagos and his colleagues took a closer look at all the data from these prior reports. They found most of the skeletal material didn't actually meet at least one of the standard diagnostic criteria for chronic syphilis, such as pitting on the skull, known as caries sicca, and pitting and swelling of the long bones.
"There's no really good evidence of a syphilis case before 1492 in Europe," Armelagos told LiveScience.
In the seafood?
The 16 reports that did meet the criteria for syphilis came from coastal regions where seafood was a large part of the diet. This seafood contains "old carbon" from deep, upwelling ocean waters. As such, they might fall prey to the so-called "marine reservoir effect" that can throw off radiocarbon dating of a skeleton by hundreds or even thousands of years. To adjust for this effect, the researchers figured out the amount of seafood these individuals ate when alive. Since our bodies constantly break down and rebuild our bones, measurements of bone-collagen protein can provide a record of diet.
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MUMBAI, India ? Ajay Piramal is sitting on a mountain of cash. Yet the billionaire Indian tycoon, working in one of the world's fastest growing economies, is struggling to figure out what to do with the money.
The problem isn't opportunity, he said. It's India.
"Every large investment, there was no transparency," Piramal said.
His dilemma is a worrying sign for India. With the country mired in corruption, bureaucratic red tape and unclear and changing government policies, many of the men who made their billions here are saying maybe it's time to quit India. It's got to be easier to do business elsewhere.
In May last year, Piramal's healthcare business sold its generic drug operations to U.S. pharmaceutical giant Abbott Laboratories for $3.8 billion. Piramal, a tall big man in a country that still measures prosperity by girth, was eager to set that cash pile to work. He wanted to expand one of his chemical plants, but was told it would take five years.
"The same plant could be set up in China in two years," he said. "I love India, but my customer is not going to wait."
India, still a beacon of relatively fast growth despite a troubled world economy, should be a magnet for capital. Instead, since the beginning of 2010, the amount that Indians have invested in businesses overseas has exceeded the amount foreigners are investing in India, according to central bank figures.
In part this reflects the confidence and aptitude of India's maturing companies and the current malaise in the global economy and financial markets. But it also reflects deep problems at home. India's big coporations may be cash rich but the failure to invest that money domestically is bad news for a developing country that needs capital to build the roads, power plants and food warehouses that could help lift hundreds of millions out of dire poverty.
The frustration of India's business elite with corruption, political paralysis, log-jammed approvals, regulatory flip-flops, lack of access to natural resources and land acquisition battles ? to pick a few of the top complaints ? has reached a pitch perhaps not heard since India began liberalizing its economy in the early 1990s.
"If you are an honest businessman in India, it's very difficult to start up anything," said Jamshyd Godrej, chairman of manufacturing giant Godrej & Boyce. "Companies are going to operate where they see the best opportunities and efficiency for their capital."
Increasingly, that's outside India.
In 2008, foreigners poured roughly twice as much direct investment into India ? $33 billion ? as Indians plowed into businesses overseas. By 2010, that had reversed: Indians invested $40 billion abroad ? twice as much as foreigners invested in India ? a trend that's continued this year.
There is another, unspoken element to all the complaints. To the extent that business in India ran on corruption, some of the old, dirty ways of doing things are being disrupted, freezing India's already glacial bureaucracy, business leaders say.
Scandals in the staging of the Commonwealth Games, the pilfering of homes meant for war widows and the irregular auction of cellphone spectrum that cost the country billions has sent parliamentarians and even a Cabinet minister to prison.
With Indians tiring of the incessant graft, tens of thousands of middle-class protesters poured into the streets and pushed an anti-corruption bill onto the floor of Parliament.
Steelmakers can't get enough iron ore because a massive mining scandal in the southern state of Karnataka prompted a court to order the closure of illicit mines that account for a fifth of iron ore production in the country.
The bureaucrats ? even the honest ones ? are reportedly so scared of being punished they are refusing to make the decisions needed to make the country run.
Piramal is not unpatriotic. Each room in his executive suite is named after an Indian epic hero: Arjuna, the most pure; Dhananjay, acquirer and master of wealth. There's a quote from the Upanishads scriptures on the wall.
His office sits in a one million square foot office park in Mumbai his family built. The buildings around him ? white with blue glass that flashes back the unforgiving sun ? bear his own name in large black letters: Piramal Towers.
Piramal had the will and the means to build power plants and roads.
Instead, his Piramal Group's largest investment to date has been in one of the office park's tenants: the Indian subsidiary of the British telecom giant Vodafone Plc.
Last September, when he got the first payout, of $2.2 billion, from Abbott, the phone started ringing.
"Because people knew we had money, we had so many people approaching us for projects in the infrastructure sector," he said. "These people had no experience and no knowledge and no track record of having built a business in any area. And yet they were coming to us saying we have licenses and approvals. That just didn't sound right or smell right."
Each day, they paraded through his office: The investment banker who decided to build a 500 megawatt power plant, the coal trader assured of a government coal allocation, small-time miners with pretty presentations promising land, licenses and financing.
"They'd name politicians from the center and the state who had it all tied up for them," he said. "It didn't sound right. Obviously there were things going on in the system."
Road and port projects weren't much better, he said.
Piramal also looked at investing in engineering and infrastructure services companies, but couldn't make sense of their books.
"We couldn't find anything," he said. "People get greedy. In their desire to get good valuations they resort to, if I can say, creative accounting."
Today, India's infrastructure companies are known as great wealth destroyers.
"Infrastructure investment has become untouchable, a sure way of losing money," said Jagannadham Thunuguntla, head of research at SMC Global Securities. He calculates that four of India's top infrastructure companies ? GMR Infrastructure, GVK Power and Infrastructure, Lanco Infratech and Punj Lloyd ? have lost over 80 percent of their value since 2007. A fifth, Larson & Toubro is down 50 percent.
Piramal may have dodged a bullet, but shareholders in Piramal Healthcare aren't happy. Despite a $600 million special dividend and share buyback, the share price has sagged since the Abbott deal was announced on May 21 last year. They'd like to see the Abbott cash productively deployed. Instead, much of it is sitting in fixed deposit accounts.
Piramal said he really does want to run a pharmaceutical company and be the first Indian company to discover a world-class drug ? despite his dabbling in telecom, financial services and real estate financing. It's just that pharma can't absorb all his cash. He plans to sell the 5.5 percent stake he picked up in Vodafone Essar for $640 million in a few years, when Vodafone Essar issues shares in an initial public offering, he said.
He has also launched Piramal Capital, to make real estate and infrastructure loans, and spent about $50 million to acquire IndiaReit, a real estate investment company.
Meanwhile, his thoughts have turned to Boston, where he set up IndUS Growth Partners with a professor from Harvard Business School to look for buying opportunities in the U.S., in security, financial services and biotechnology. And he said he's still planning to spend over a billion dollars on biotechnology acquisitions in North America and Europe.
"India was going more towards capitalism than socialism," Piramal said. "I think we're going back. Capitalism went to too much excess. Corruption levels went to the extreme."
He said he'll announce his first overseas acquisition by March.
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As the camera zooms in from a bustling San Francisco street scene, a young woman in thick brown frames and a blue cardigan waits in line, texting as she sings, ?Nine hours down, and we?re almost in the door!?
The scene then shifts to Chicago, where more hip twentysomethings stand in line. A guy in a sweater and red beanie asks, ?If it looks the same, how will people know I upgraded??
The targets of derision in the ad are obvious: Apple Inc., its newest iteration of the iPhone, and the cross-section of its most loyal fans willing to camp out and wait hours to get their hands of the latest gadget from the Cupertino, Calif.-based technology giant.
The company behind it, though, is slightly less obvious, given its pervasive but understated presence in the global mobile market: Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. The commercial eventually shifts, and those waiting in Apple?s lineups see people using slick Samsung phones and blurting out remarks like, ?Whoa, what?s she got there??
The sprawling South Korean company, which makes everything from fridges and washers and dryers to TVs and high-end smartphones and tablets, has struck a newly confident tone.
That Samsung hasn?t been ridiculed itself for the Apple-mocking advertisement is testament to how far the company has come. It is wrapping up a banner year, surpassing Apple to become the world?s largest smartphone manufacturer ? shipping 27.8-million smartphones in the third quarter compared with Apple?s 23.8-million, according to research firm Strategy Analytics. (Apple had only recently overtaken Nokia Corp.)
?Apple doesn?t own innovation and design out there right now,? says Brian Wallace, a vice-president of strategic marketing at Samsung, who joined the company this year from Canadian smartphone giant Research In Motion Ltd. ?It was time to stand up and say, ?Here?s an alternative.? ?
Samsung?s commercial went viral ? it was viewed more than four million times on YouTube. More impressive is the way it has reshaped the wireless phone market, seizing on Google Inc.?s free Android operating system and trying to out-innovate Apple on the hardware front. Mike Walkley, an analyst with Canaccord Genuity who tracks hardware manufacturers, said Samsung?s recent growth is likely to continue. He raised his estimate for the company?s fourth quarter by about three million units, and now thinks Samsung will move 34.5-million smartphones in the quarter.
?Samsung?s smartphone share gains are impressive as the company continues to materially grow smartphone sales despite the launch of the iPhone 4S,? Mr. Walkley wrote in a recent note to clients. ?We believe Samsung will extend its Android leadership position during [the fourth quarter] to over 40 per cent of total Android units sold.?
In October, Samsung Electronics announced a 37-per-cent increase in third-quarter revenue from its telecommunications division, driven by strong sales of Samsung Galaxy phones. The unit posted an operating profit of 2.52-trillion won (more than $2-billion Canadian).
Apple remains a force in the smartphone space, of course. Its newest iPhone, though similar to the one that preceded it, came with Siri, the ?digital assistant? that responds to voice commands, and has sold extremely well. Apple has also had some success in emerging markets such as China and Brazil, where Samsung and other lower-cost handset makers like Nokia are much more established. The success of Apple and Samsung has hurt sales at other Android-using smartphone makers, such as Taiwan?s HTC Corp.
In some countries, ?People are looking at these phones as their first computer,? says Paul Brannen, Samsung?s Canadian vice-president for mobile. Samsung?s smartphone revenue in Canada has grown 50 per cent, year-over-year, with unit shipments up 9 per cent, he notes.
Samsung?s growth in both the high- and low-end markets has also further squeezed Waterloo, Ont.-based smartphone giant RIM. In the U.S., RIM has lost ground to high-end devices running Android, but analysts are also noticing a proliferation of cheaper Android phones in emerging markets where RIM has long been dominant.
When asked if RIM could have taken direct aim at Apple with a television commercial like Samsung?s, Mr. Wallace laughs, then falls silent for a few seconds before he replies. ?Do you really expect me to answer that?? the former RIM executive says. ?You can imagine my answer to that. I think there was a time.?
Sony, Samsung dissolve joint venture
Japan?s Sony Corp. and South Korean rival Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. are dissolving their joint venture in liquid crystal display panels as Sony tries to stanch years of losses in its TV business.
Sony said Monday that Samsung will buy all of Sony's shares in the joint venture for about 1.08 trillion Korean won ($954-million) subject to a final agreement.
The joint venture called S-LCD was set up in 2004. Sony, which fell behind in flat panel TVs, invested in a Samsung panel factory to ensure a steady supply of panels for its LCD TVs.
Sony?s TV operation has lost money for seven straight years and the company is straining to return that key business to profit.
The prices of TVs as well as panels have been dropping so it makes more sense to buy panels at the market rate than to invest in production.
Sony, which makes Bravia TV sets, does not make its own LCD panels.
It said it will enter a new partnership with Samsung to buy panels, and will also continue buying panels from other manufacturers.
Sony said it will suffer a loss of ?66-billion ($864-million) for the third quarter of this fiscal year, which ends later this month, because of the declining value of investment in S-LCD.
Getting out of the production venture will produce substantial savings after January, 2012, when the deal is completed, according to Sony.
It was still unclear how Sony's profit forecast for the fiscal year through March of 2012 will be affected, company spokesman Takashi Uehara said.
Associated Press
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WASHINGTON (AP) ? Forrest Gump's oft-imitated line, "My momma always said, 'Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get' " will be immortalized among the nation's treasures in the world's largest archive of film, TV and sound recordings.
The Library of Congress on Wednesday announced that 1994's smash hit "Forrest Gump" starring Tom Hanks was one of 25 films chosen to be included this year in the National Film Registry.
The oldest reels are silent films both from 1912. "The Cry of the Children" is about the pre-World War I child labor reform movement and "A Cure for Pokeritis" features the industry's earliest comic superstar John Bunny.
Also from that silent era is Charlie Chaplin's first full-length feature, "The Kid," from 1921.
Under the terms of the National Film Preservation Act, each year the Librarian of Congress names 25 films that are "culturally, historically or aesthetically" significant. This year, 2,228 films were nominated.
"These films are selected because of their enduring significance to American culture," Librarian of Congress James H. Billington said in a statement. "Our film heritage must be protected because these cinematic treasures document our history and culture and reflect our hopes and dreams."
For each title, the Library of Congress Packard Campus for Audio Visual Conservation works to ensure that the film is preserved for future generations. That comes either by the Library's massive motion-picture preservation program or through collaborating with other archives, motion-picture studios and independent filmmakers.
The most recent film chosen is "Forrest Gump," which won six Academy Awards including for Best Picture.
Also starring in that movie about an everyman who ended up being part of the most iconic events of the 1960s and 1970s was Sally Field. Her perhaps most famous role playing "Norma Rae" in the movie of the same name from 1979 also made the list. She won an Academy Award for her portrayal of a poorly educated single mother who fought successfully to make her Southern textile mill a union shop.
Making the list is the animated Disney classic, "Bambi," made in 1942 about a deer's life in the forest, "The Big Heat" from 1953, a post-war noir film, and 1991's disturbing, "The Silence of the Lambs," which won Oscars for stars Jody Foster and Sir Anthony Hopkins. Hopkins plays cannibalistic serial killer Hannibal Lecter in the psychological and violent thriller.
The original "War of the Worlds" from 1953 also will be preserved along with "Porgy and Bess," ''Stand and Deliver" and John Ford's epic Western, "The Iron Horse," from 1924.
Lesser known films were chosen for their significance to the art.
"A Computer Animated Hand" from 1972 is by Pixar Animation Studios co-founder Ed Catmull. The one-minute film that is one of the earliest examples of 3D computer animation displays the hand turning, opening and closing, pointing at the viewer and flexing its fingers.
Making the list were notable documentaries as well.
"Crisis: Behind a Presidential Commitment," focuses on Gov. George Wallace's attempt to prevent two African-American students from enrolling in the University of Alabama and the response of President John F. Kennedy. "Growing Up Female" from 1971 was one of the first films to come from the women's liberation movement.
Also included was "The Negro Soldier," produced by Frank Capra. It showed the heroism of blacks in the nation's wars and became mandatory viewing for all soldiers from spring 1944 until World War II's end.
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Texas Rep. and presidential candidate Ron Paul is out of line with the mainstream GOP when it comes to foreign policy, Sen. Dick Lugar (R-Ind.) says.
In an interview aired Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union," host Candy Crowley asked Lugar: "Is that a Republican party message?"
Replied the ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, "That's one Republican's message." And he?went on to say that Paul's left-of-Obama foreign policy views were not representative of the party.
"No, of course not. ?And it's not a message which really a president of the United States could ever afford to extend. In other words, we're a -- a party and a -- a president of leadership, leadership in the world," he said. "We have a fleet that covers all the seas, that, as a matter of fact, makes foreign trade possible, trade of all sorts. ?We're the only country that can go everywhere all over the world, and, therefore, indispensable to our allies as well as to our own interests."
"These are very, very important parts of our national strength. And they involve foreign policy. They involve armed forces and a combination of these," Lugar said.
Read more about: Ron Paul, Foreign Policy, 2012, Dick Lugar, 2012 Election
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BEIJING?? Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda wrapped up a trip to Beijing on Monday where he sought China's cooperation in promoting stability in North Korea after the death of its longtime leader Kim Jong Il.
Noda's first official visit to Beijing since taking power in September would normally have centered on bilateral issues, such as squabbles over islands claimed by both countries, but the death of Kim on Dec. 17 and the announcement of his son Kim Jong Un as the country's "supreme leader" has shifted the focus.
Noda, the first foreign leader to meet with China's leaders since Kim's death, emphasized the need to get stalled six-party talks on North Korea's nuclear weapons program back on track.
"Strengthening our countries' relations is necessary in order to solve regional and global issues," Noda said when he met President Hu Jintao on Monday, a day after holding talks with his counterpart, Wen Jiabao.
On Sunday, Noda pointed to the new situation in East Asia, saying "it is very timely to exchange views with the host of the six-party talks and the country with the most influence on North Korea," referring to China.
His visit to China was planned before Kim's death was announced Dec. 19.
When asked whether China could confirm that Kim Jong Un was in complete control of North Korea, Japanese Foreign Ministry press secretary Yutaka Yokoi would say only that Noda and Wen had discussed the situation on the Korean peninsula.
After meeting with Wen, Noda told reporters that the two leaders had agreed to cooperate to try to achieve stability on the peninsula.
"We shared the understanding that denuclearization of the Korean peninsula and its peace and stability not only benefits Japan and China but serves the common interest of all neighboring countries," said Noda.
Yokoi said that a Chinese leader has been invited to visit Japan in the first half of next year, but would not say who.
Japan does not have diplomatic relations with North Korea, while China is the impoverished country's most important supporter and supplies it with food aid and much of its energy resources.
The death of Kim Jong Il
The six-party talks, which include the two Koreas, the United States and Russia, as well as China and Japan, are aimed at disarming North Korea of its nuclear capability. Pyongyang walked out on the talks in 2009 ? and exploded a second nuclear-test device ? but now wants to re-engage.
Last year, North Korea was blamed for two military attacks on South Korea that heightened tensions on the peninsula.
Yokoi said China would consider Noda's request to lease pandas for a zoo in Sendai to help cheer up the northern Japanese region as it recovers from the earthquake and tsunami disasters in March.
Noda and Wen noted that 2012 marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between their countries and said both nations want to improve relations to mark that occasion.
Officials from both countries also signed memorandums of understanding on youth exchanges and setting up a clean energy and environmental protection investment fund.
Japan and China have a list of sensitive topics they are trying to make progress on, including fights over islands and energy disputes in the East China Sea.
Associated Press writers Gillian Wong in Beijing and Mari Yamaguchi in Tokyo contributed to this report.
Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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LONDON (AP) ? Queen Elizabeth II has stressed the importance of family and friendship in her annual, pre-recorded Christmas message to the nation.
The theme of her broadcast was especially poignant Sunday as Elizabeth's husband, Prince Philip, remained in hospital recovering from a heart procedure. The message was recorded Dec. 9, before he was hospitalized.
Wearing a festive red dress, the Queen said that the importance of family was driven home by the marriages of two of her grandchildren this year.
She spoke of the strength family can provide during times of hardship and how friendships are often formed in difficult times.
Elizabeth pointed to the Commonwealth nations as an example that family "does not necessarily mean blood relatives but often a description of a community."
THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.
LONDON (AP) ? Britain's royal family celebrated Christmas on Sunday with one notable absence ? Queen Elizabeth II's husband Prince Philip, who remains hospitalized following a heart procedure.
The 90-year-old prince was recovering from having a coronary stent put in after doctors determined the heart pains that sent him to the hospital on Friday were caused by a blocked artery.
Buckingham Palace said "he's in good spirits" and family members will visit Philip, also known as the Duke of Edinburgh, in the hospital after lunch.
The royal family's Christmas schedule kicked off with a traditional morning service at St. Mary Magdelene Church, on the queen's sprawling Sandringham estate in Norfolk.
The huge crowds that gathered outside the church got an early peek when the royals made a quick private visit to the church ahead of the services. Less than two hours later, they were back ? in different clothes ? for the Christmas service.
The Queen arrived first ? dressed in a lavender-colored coat and hat ? in a royal limousine, leading the way into the church. Her oldest son, Prince Charles, and his wife, Camilla, trailed behind.
Prince Harry walked in with his brother William and new sister-in-law Kate? now known as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Kate, whose style is closely watched around the world and who sends any dress she wears flying off the shelves in Britain, wore an eggplant-colored coat and matching hat.
Among the other royals present was the queen's granddaughter, Zara Philips, who was joined by her new husband Mike Tindall, an English rugby player.
After the service, children lined up to give bouquets of flowers to the queen. Thanking each well-wisher, the queen then handed the bouquets to her granddaughters, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie.
Well-wisher Camilla Fitt, 71, said Charles told her that his father, Philip, was "very determined" to get well.
"Charles said he is coming on," said Fitt.
The royal family then traveled back to the house for lunch, an integral part of their celebration.
Another key part of their Christmas festivities is the queen's annual message to the nation, which this year will focus on family and community.
The 85-year-old queen has made a prerecorded Christmas broadcast on radio since 1952 and on television since 1957. She writes the speeches herself, and the broadcasts mark the rare occasion on which the queen voices her own opinion without government consultation.
Cassandra Vinograd can be reached at
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That lock screen looks promising, doesn?t it. That?s how Google?s newest version of Android looks. It is a major release of Android, and one of its major features was to supposedly make its design ?lovable?. As Android?s design chief Matias Duarte himself said: people sort of respected Android, but no one loved it. Its latest release, called Ice Cream Sandwich (ICE) was supposed to change that.
There is a an interesting discussion going on in the mobile world these days. It is a discussion of design and style. Apple?s iOS changed the industry with the highly attractive and friendly iPhone user interface. Now that other operating systems are catching up with iOS, the word ?design? is becoming central to the discussion.
Apple?s competitors are trying to describe iOS?s design as gimmicky and ?fake?. You now: Apple uses leather, paper and wood textures here and there. It incorporates highly stylized icons. You even see a torn note paper on the iPad?s note taking app.
Then you have Microsoft and its relatively new Windows Phone. Even if you are a Microsoft hater you have to admit that they did an amazing job with Windows Phone 7. What they are adopting is what they call an ?authentic digital? design style. No realistic looking icons. No leather. No torn paper. Just pure, modern typography and lots of empty space. It really appeals to the modern designer in me.
But Android?s design people claim they don?t want to be neither this nor that. They make fun of Apple?s cute icons and they claim that WIndow?s approach is too starkly modern.
Matias Durate went as far as saying ?I give you the web? when he revealed Android?s ICE to the editor of a major tech blog. What he meant by that is: I give you the diversity of the web. It?s all about the diversity of content.
Interesting. Ha?
Google even designed a special modern font for ICE: called Roboto.
I was eagerly awaiting ICE?s update on my Nexus S precisely because I wanted to really experience that new, improved Android design philosophy.
But I have to say I was pretty disappointed.
The first signs of trouble appeared when I watched a promotional video about ICE. That video clearly shows that someone at Google/Android is totally in love with Tron! (droid on light bikes!). And lo and behold, ICE?s interface is full of Tron-ish references, complete with that electric blue/wireframe/glassy appearance.
To me, attacking iOS as gimmicky because of all the wood and leather, then adopting Sci-Fi gimmicks in your own phone interface seems a bit ridiculous.
To be fair, I feel that ICE is somewhat better designed. There is also a novelly factor in all this Tron-like stuff and it is obvious that some sort of design revolution has gone on in AndroindLand. My goodness, they even changed the key color from green to blue. Icons where changed. A lot was thrown out and new stuff was brought in.
But a revolution doesn?t always mean an improvement.
I think the icon situation in ICE is a total design mess. Android really looks a lot like Windows (for desktop computers). Too colorful. Too many shapes. Too many styles. Including a number of icons that adopt an illustrative 3D style (like the new Camera icon, see below).
One of the most annoying looking icons is the new ?People? icon, with its simplistic round face. It makes an appearance all over ICE?s interface.
Even the shortcut bar at the bottom of the screen (which by default contains the phone, people, messaging and browser icons, as well as the apps icon in the middle) is a mess. I can count three design approaches there if I want to be kind.
This reveals a deeper issue at Google. Google has always been the no-design company. It?s interface where designed by techies/engineers. I even heard that they did not employ designers unless they knew how to write code!
Now, as the company operates in a web and a mobile world where design and branding plays an ever increasing role, Google is trying to catch up.
Their recent Google iPad app looks very promising, design-wise. The Google icons used in that app show off the new ?matt? and subtly stylized icon design approach first used on the Chrome icon. There is a nice consistency across different icons.
But at the same time, I can now count 3 different icon design for Gmail alone across different Google properties.
Same goes for their News icon. And so on.
I?ve been living with ICE for a week now. I don?t think Android has become much easier to use. Yes, there is more attention to visual design, but I am not a big fan of the Tron look. And I just feel the whole thing is still inconsistent visually and even functionally. I feel that every time I go back to my iPad. And I felt it when I was carrying a Nokia N9 which runs Nokia?s (now-pretty-much-doomed) MeeGo. Now here is an OS that could tech both Apple and Google some design and user interface lessons.
I leave you with some screen shots and comments..
ICE?s dial pad. Looks quite neat. But the novelty wears off fast.
Android doesn?t have a specific icon shape. So you end up have all kind of shapes, styles and colors. To me, it looks messy.
See the glassy 3D Tron effect when you try to ?pull? at the last home screen. You get a tilting animation, which looks kind of cool, but ultimately is very useless.
In the setting screen we suddenly get this 2D look and angular buttons
Just look at those Music and Camera icons. Then compare to the slightly stylized People icon with the simplistic face and then the other face on the almost flat Messaging icon.
Doesn?t this icon mix look like something straight out of the 1990?s?
This is the Gmail icon in Android..
And the Gmail ice on the Google iPad app.
Why can?t Android look like this? The icons on the Google iPad app.
Even more icons on Google?s web offering.
And yet another design language on Google+
And now look at the elegance of MeeGo Harmattan!
And for reference.. Windows Phone 7?s ?digital modernity?..
And Apple?s iOS.. You can call it to cute. But it works damn well and people seem to love it.
If you read this far you are a true design geek. Congratulations!
This entry was posted on Tuesday, December 27th, 2011 at 2:08 am and is filed under Branding, Design, Digital life. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
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Daily Mirror journalist Sue Carroll has died aged 58 after a battle with cancer.
She was described as the "Queen of Columnists" by Mirror associate editor Kevin Maguire.
Daily Mirror editor Richard Wallace paid tribute to the journalist, who had been writing a column for the paper for 13 years: "Although we knew this moment would come, it is still a great shock.
"Sue had faced her long and painful illness with enviable fortitude.
"Until the final few days she was still doing what she loved the most: reading the papers and giving her inimitable thoughts on the world around us - with, of course, the odd no-nonsense rant thrown in.
"Sue was part of the heart and soul of the Daily Mirror - and had a direct line to our readers.
"But she was also very close to some of us personally. So first and foremost we grieve a great friend."
Writing about her struggle with pancreatic cancer in March, she said: "For now I have so much to be grateful for. Next week I?m travelling to Spain for a break ? an enterprise which seems to involve military precision when a year ago a holiday required nothing more complicated than throwing some shorts and swimmies into a suitcase."
The columnist last wrote for the paper in August.
In March, she told the Alan Titchmarsh show that her friends' reaction to her diagnosis was "very touching".
?At times like this you think, ?what I could do with now is an angel?. You suddenly find you are surrounded by them ? in the shape of your friends.
?You think you can count friends on one hand, but you have no idea how many people love you. It?s been very touching.
?People help in the most incredible ways and give you their time, they are wonderful. I have treated my friends like therapists.?
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