I had always been thin, even as a baby. My dad says I was skinny when I was an infant. I see my baby has inherited that too because he is skinny he can still fit into 3 month clothes but he is long so those clothes are probably too short on him now. He can still fit into size one diapers at five months and he weighs 16 lbs when he was last weighed. He probably weighs 17 now.
But then age 12 I got big. My mom says it was pills I was on so it always made me hungry so I ate three times as much and I gained all this weight and got these ugly stretch marks. Then I was taken off them and lost the weight. I believed since then I was fat and I was never thin enough. I did manage to lose some weight when I was 13 and 14 but I weighed 153 lbs by then.
Then when I was 15, we went skiing that one weekend and I lost five pounds over the weekend because we didn't have much food in the condo and I decided I wanted to keep it up. Plus I had read in the kids Almanic the less calories you give yourself than your body needs, you will lose weight. So I decided to do it the lazy way, eat less food and I will get thin so that is what I did. I lost weight every week slowly. I was also in PE and we did some weight training in it and I was also in softball so I lost even more weight and refused to eat more food because the less calories, the more weight I lose. This was probably a mind of an eating disorder but everyone told me I had such good self control. So I kept it up. Then at 128 it stopped working so I figure this was where my body wants to be. I stayed that way until I was 16 and then gained up to 140. Mom told me it was muscle I was gaining and I was doing workouts. I stayed that way until I was 18 and I started to walk on the tread mill again to tone my body and I went down to 133. Then I was at 130 and I decided to stay that way. I used to walk on the tread mill for like an hour until my whole entire meal was burned off. Probably also a mind of an eating disorder. I also hated how my weight was fluctuating and I was worried about getting fat again because the last time I let myself gain weight, my prom dress didn't fit so I decided to fit with my body to keep the weight down. I started to give it less food. Like I would only eat 1/4 of the pop tart or only eat a couple spoonfuls of yogurt. Then when I be at 130 again, I eat normally again but if I wasn't 130 the next morning, I do the same process again to punish my body. I stayed like this for years. I used to just skip meals or hardly eat anything to keep my weight down. I would even throw up if I ate too much and if I gained too much weight that day because I knew I wouldn't drop three pounds over night I gained that day.
I hated this life style but I was so afraid of getting fat I couldn't just eat normal again. When I was 22 I got diagnosed with anorexia even though I wasn't underweight and I still got my monthly periods. But doctors said I was underweight. I just felt I was supposed to be fat when people tell me I needed to put on some pounds or that I am too skinny so it made me fight my body even more because I didn't like that it wanted to be fat. But I also started to eat more food at age 22 and I wasn't pale anymore according to my husband.
I also had this problem where I would forget to eat because I be so busy with what I was doing I would get too lazy to stop what I was doing to get something to eat. I was too preoccupied I thought I will get some food in a few minutes and every few minutes became longer because I still didn't stop what I was doing. I just kept forgetting to eat. Even though I'd be starving, I still would forget to stop to eat.
I honestly thought food be a struggle while being pregnant but I surprised myself. My eating disorder went away because I started to eat again and have three meals a day for a healthy baby and to not ruin my body, I even remembered to eat too but eating every two hours was a struggle because I keep forgetting again. Then I had my baby and my eating disorder didn't come back. I breast feed so that keeps it away. I have to eat now to keep my body healthy and to make the milk and it takes calories for my body to make it so what I eat goes to the milk and I don't gain weight from that. In fact I dropped down to 120. I can so wait until breast feeding ends.
But apparently I suffered an ED since I was 15 according to my cooking teacher I had. You don't even need to be throwing up or starving yourself nor over eating to have an eating disorder. Let's see, eating less food to lose weight, doing an hour of work outs after dinner at 18 to burn off all those calories, if I accidentally skipped a meal, I still wouldn't let myself eat more food at the next meal, all an eating disorder and I was pissed about it so I once made a thread about it saying it's a gift then, willpower if these are considered eating disorders too. And me wanting to eat healthy and not have fast food or junk food makes me have an eating disorder. 
I still have some junk food or sweets but I don't have lot of it. I just seldom buy it is all. I have been eating lot of Musketeer bars my husband bring home and no weight gain. He only bring home one candy bar and it doesn't happen every weekday.
I don't consider myself as having an eating disorder still.
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