Friday, September 9, 2011

Liver Diseases Causes | Wealthy Tips For Health And Fitness

As the liver receives blood from the hepatic artery and the portal vein, some of its major functions are to filter blood, break down the toxins, nutrients, drugs and any other chemicals that are present in blood. They therefore come into contact with substances that can easily cause liver infections. Below are some causes, symptoms and preventive measures to avoid liver diseases.

Liver diseases are most of the time caused by excessive consumption of alcohol; however, there also exists non alcoholic fatty liver disease.? It is characterized by extensive harm to the liver which later results to liver failure. The prevalence for this disease is higher in men than in women, those with obesity and those suffering from diabetes.? Symptoms include general body weakness, exhaustion and pain in the right side of the upper abdomen. Ultra sound and liver biopsy are used to distinguish between non alcoholic fatty liver disease and alcohol caused liver diseases. To deal with this condition, one might consider dealing with its related conditions such as obesity and diabetes mellitus, if the damage is too widespread, a liver transplant can be an idea but the condition might recur.

Other types of liver diseases are cancers and tumors.? Liver cancer can either start from the liver or spread to other parts of the body (primary liver cancer) or it can originate from other body systems and then spread to the liver hence secondary liver cancer. Primary liver cancers include Bile duct cancer, angiosarcomas and hemangiosarcomas which originate from the blood cells in the liver. Tumors usually form in the liver because it is made up of different kinds of cells. Some tumors are not always cancerous such as lipoma, fibroma and hemangioma. ?The cancerous tumors usually referred to as malignant tumors can grow and spread to other parts of the body. They are as a result surgically removed before they cause much damage.

? Excessive alcohol consumption, chemicals such as herbicides, continued exposure to heavy metals, aflatoxins formed in food products such as wheat and corn, alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking can be let alone. Obesity, prolonged steroid use by men, prior diabetes infection are conditions can increase the chances of getting liver cancer.

Liver diseases also include hepatitis and liver failure. Hepatitis is the inflammation of the liver. Liver failure occurs when the damage is too extensive and irreversible and the liver can no longer function normally.






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