Personal Branding 101: H?w t? M?k? th? R?ght Branding Decisions f?r Y??r N?w Business
Personal Branding 101: H?w t? m?k? th? r?ght branding decisions f?r ???r n?w business
Inevitably, ?t ??m? point f?r freelancers wh? target corporate d??????n-makers, th? q???t??n comes up:
?Sh??ld I ?r??t? a company name??
And usually, th? ?n?w?r ?? ?n???b?t th? ?n?w?r ?? n?t always ?n?.?
Here?s th? logic:
Wh?n ??? ?r? ?n individual wh? provides a service?a designer ?r copywriter ?r coach ?r speaker (??? g?t th? ?d??)???? ?r? th? company. Therefore ?t m?k?? sense f?r ??? t? brand ???r name.
Word-?f-mouth ?b??t ???r work, ???r byline ?n articles ?r publications ??? write, ???r name ?? a ?draw? f?r public speaking events????r name ?n ???r business card, ?n ???r URL, ?n ???r Web site??ll ?f th?? adds up t? name recognition.
Th?nk f?r a minute?
D? celebrities ?nd speakers h??? a company name?
Th?nk Sigfried ?nd Roy?Elton John?Jerry Seinfeld?Tony Robbins. Wh?t ?b??t copywriters? Here ?r? ??m? contemporaries:
* Bob Bly
* Gary Bencivenga
* Gary Halbert
* Dan Kennedy
* Clayton Makepeace
* Joe Vitale
* Michael Masterson
And ??m? wh? ?r? n?t contemporary, b?t wh? ?r? nevertheless still ?present?:
* John Caples
* Rosser Reeves
* David Ogilvy
* Claude Hopkins
D? (?nd d?d) th??? icons ?l?? h??? company names? Probably yes. F?r example, Jay Abraham sells seminars ?nd information products. H? h?? a company ?n th? background, l?k? many ?th?r entrepreneurs. B?t ?t?s h?? name ??? know??nd th?t?s wh?t carries th? branding.
If ??? h??? a partner, ?r employees wh? interface w?th ???r customers ?n a significant level, th?t?s wh?n ?t m?k?? sense t? h??? a ?company? name ?f ?t fits ???r long-term goals.
D? ??? want t? build a boutique agency? A consortium ?f consultants? A traditional corporation? If ??, th?n ?t m?k?? sense t? brand ???r company??nd th?t means a company name (wh??h ??n ?l?? b? ???r name ?r th? names ?f ???r partners, ?r something ?l??), ?nd usually, a logo.
J??t b? careful. One known agency w?? named ?ft?r th? principals?Richard Rosen ?nd Bill Brown (Rosen/Brown Direct). B?t wh?n th? partnership ?nd?d, th? name w?? n? longer representative.
A costly renaming ?nd rebranding effort took ?l??? (th? agency ?? now called AlloyRed). Th? potential loss ?f name recognition ?? a very serious risk. Imagine a decade ?f reputation-building up ?n smoke?poof! J??t l?k? th?t ??? ???ld b? starting ?ll over again.
S? ?f ????re selling ???r skills ?? a service, ?nd ?t?s ???t ???, ??? ???r name ?nd a tagline f?r ???r branding. B?t ?f ??? h??? long-term goals t? build something b?gg?r th?n yourself, ?r a team ????re working w?th, ?t m?k?? sense t? consider a company name ?nd th? logo (?nd sometimes tagline) th?t comes w?th ?t.
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Chris Brown sings A Thousand Miles ?nd N? Bullshit acoustic. Really gr??t voice =) N? Copyright I? Intended!
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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