posted 8-12-2012 @ 02:03 AM | www |
Feeling Conned by Real Estate
I moved into the house i'm currently Renting 3 months ago on a 12 month lease. 6 Weeks into the lease a real estate agent rang and said landlord had asked him to come value the property but said he didn't know why possibly for insurance purposes. Yesterday he rang and said landlord had decided to put it on the market.
Now even though we are protected by our lease for another 9 months we are also bound to our lease for another nine months. I feel the agents knew it was going on the market when they rented it to us.
Now we have to let people come through our house all the time, we are both shift workers so makes it even harder when working wierd shifts.
Our lease expires 5 days after we return from NZ so potentially we could have to move the following weekend. We only wanted long term rental and now so cranky.
It took 6 months to find this place. And as i said to the real estate if we have to move they have to find us a place. But it could be the biggest dump and we can't do anything about it
Last time i was in a house that was on the market it sold, and we were given 28 days notice the day before moving on to 12 hour night shifts and ended up living in a condemmed house cause thats all we could find
Soooooo don't need this crap
I know it hasn't happened yet and shouldn't stress but when our lease expires is the worst timing and i have the worst luck so can't help thinking the dramas it could cause
posted 8-12-2012 @ 02:10 AM | www |
Id say to them that you will not let people through the house whilst you are not there. then say you will not be there alot because of shift work. So its going to be harder on them. So they should consider letting you out of the lease.
posted 8-12-2012 @ 02:35 AM | www |
oh you poor thing that is crappy. I agree with Kazza, make it hard for them to let people in. Its YOUR home. Tell them you can have an open house say sunday 2-4pm (obviously whatever suts you) and dont let then through whenver it suits them.
I know you have only just moved but perhaps start looking at new places to rent and break your current lease if needed?
posted 8-12-2012 @ 02:51 AM | www |
I had this happen to me few years ago, the house was on the market but then they changed it to for lease and we specifically asked them before we moved in will this be put up for sale in near furture we dont want to be moving again any time soon. They said no.
Just before our 1 year lease was up we got a letter in the mail it was gong on the market. It was horrible, we couldnt find a house to move in that was suitable in both price & size for us, we lived there for a year before it sold and we HAD to move out and take what we could find.
The real estate agents actually asked us to leave the house while they showed it so us and our kids would go to the backyard while stranger walked through the house full of our belongings we were paying good money to live in. After about 6 months I had enough and said stuff it I pay to live here this is my stuff im not leaving when they want to show it. It got to the point where I hated to answer the phone cause I knew it was THEM wanting to show the house...
I swore I would never do it again, it was demeaning and a all round crap experience. You know often I was tired or felt crap but have to have the house spotless for the showing. We never let them show it when we weren't home. I remember when we were looking for house we looked at a house with about 10 others with an agent and the owners werent home. So theres 10 people wandering through your house with your personal stuff while your not home? No way would I do it.
I agree with others I'd start looking elsewhere, its a unfair hassle where you have nothing to gain and everything to lose.
I feel for you x
posted 8-12-2012 @ 02:53 AM | www |
This happened to us TWICE whilst we were renting whilst building our house. So frustrating and inconvenient having people trapse through where you live. The second time I boxed things up planning on the move and put them all in one room and the real estate sugggested that perhaps I could put them in the garage as it made the room look smaller. No Way!!!
posted 8-12-2012 @ 03:02 AM | www |
I know how you feel. All I want is a long term rental too. I am 38 now and this is the 20th house I have lived in in the past 20 years (since I moved out of home at 18). Basically it sucks, but I could write a guide to moving thats for sure. From what I remember when our last house went up for sale that we were renting, you don't have to let people through when the real estate want to. As said above, tell them you don't want people through when youre not home and only have open house when you want to, not when the real estate want to. Good luck. I know its super hard to find something good and suitable. There were about 50 people at every rental open inspection. Hope things work out for you
posted 8-12-2012 @ 04:56 AM | www |
The trouble is Agents lie - they lie to the tenants & they also lie big time to the owners, & tenants often lie too.
We had a rental place over the road we wanted to keep & rent out, we spent 6 months with it empty while we renovated the place, lovely easy care garden, nice inside everywhere, new heating, new carpet, etc. Agent showed no one thr the place in advance but we worked out later they were holding us up to put in ones below who's house they were selling. We said we wanted long-term tenants, so what did we get??
Tenants wanted at least 6 months maybe 12 or more - told us was just two people, turned out had grown daughter & baby on top which weren't mentioned on lease. After 3 months the Agent said they want to move out!!, we said no, agent said no, unless they paid up balance of lease. That was that we thought, then about 3 weeks later we saw big furniture container truck pull up in the pouring rain. We ring Agent up (they knew NOTHING) they were off overseas apparently.......... house left empty, no income, while we get next one.
We ended up trying other Agents (none any good) none could be bothered to find any long-term tenants, some wanted us to jamb heaps of people into smallish house, other tenants had heaps of rellies or friends staying for weeks on end, knocked holes in the walls, didn't pay rent on time, etc., etc.
We used to wonder why there were no decent houses to rent when we rented between moves, we thought people would appreciate a lovely house & look after it.
We gave up & sold it as too many hassles.
posted 8-12-2012 @ 05:11 AM | www |
Unfortunately they did know they were going to sell and were not honest with you
Check your tenants hand book to ensure that they do not exceed the maximum open houses they are allowed (it is a certain amount a month). i would not go out of my way to tidy up or make an effort as this may put them off having open houses.
posted 8-12-2012 @ 05:25 AM | www |
Thanks for all the support. I only left my last place i was renting cause moved in with my boyfriend and it was too small and too hard to park 2 cars without leaving one on the street. I was there 2 1/2 years the longest i've lived anywhere in the last 16 years since i left home. I can break the lease but have to keep paying rent till they get another tenant and noone wants to rent a house on the market. I told him i was looking for another house when the lease is up weather it is sold or not.
posted 8-12-2012 @ 05:33 AM | www |
What a pain! I would hate people coming and looking at my stuff.
I'm house hunting at the moment, and every house I've been to that is currently being rented, the tennant stayed through the inspection. So don't feel like you have to leave the house. Also, not one of them cleaned up (a couple of them were really bad!), so I wouldn't worry about having the house spotlessly clean.
posted 8-12-2012 @ 05:59 AM | www |
this happened to me to when my unit was sold the owner said i could stay in it forever well down the track a few years it was sold again not very happy this time i had to get out no where to go
posted 8-12-2012 @ 06:01 AM | www |
That totally sucks and I know exactly how you feel as I have been through the same thing.
We moved from NSW to Tassie and I found a place privately. The landlord assured us he wasn't going to put it on the market and we signed up for a 12 month lease.
After 3 months we received a letter saying it was going on the market and to expect a call from the Real Estate, I was furious that I couldn't even speak to him.
I cried for days as we had just spent under $10,000 to relocate to Tassie and I didn't want to be moving again.
He did offer us $2,000 for removal costs if it sold before the end of our lease.
It didn't sell, but I HATED having open inspections and having to keep the house clean all the time. I had done that with my own homes that I had previously owned as was over it.
We then signed a lease for another 12 months and I later talked to him on the phone and he said he was going to put it on the market again.
Anyway we had an oven that didn't work properly and asked him to fix it on a couple of occasions and he said he didn't want to spend any more money on it because he was going to sell the house eventually anyway.
I did some research with the Tenant's Union and found out that we could break our lease and we only had to give him 14 days notice as he didn't fix the oven. So we broke our lease and we have moved spending a few thousand again, but we are happy as we found a house that suited us.
When we left he put it on the market and for rent, he said that people looking for rentals don't look at the buyer's market so they won't know he is selling it
I worry everyday that the house I'm in now will be put on the market
I feel for you, I hope it works out for you with the timing and you find a better place without too much stress.
posted 8-12-2012 @ 06:17 AM | www |
Yeah same thing happened to me at the last place I rented. We signed up for a 12 month lease assured over and over again that the owners didn't want to sell as they had only just purchased it. I became suss when the oven started having problems and the electrician who came to fix it three times mentioned the kitchen was going to be renovated. Then the oven had to be replaced and an old one was put in that didn't fit but was also told it would only be temporary. Next few weeks I get a letter to vacate. I was really peed off too and luckily the real estate found us another place but as pensioners $2,000 to move was terrible. I wanted long term also. Hope we can stay here for a few years now. But who knows.
posted 8-12-2012 @ 06:54 AM | www |
This happened to us as well. Moved into this place and several months down the track they put it on the market and did not even tell us or the Real Estate that we rent from. One reason we are removing ourselves from the rental market and buying a motorhome and going on the road. Just fed up with the whole Rental thing.
posted 8-12-2012 @ 07:15 AM | www |
Hopefully some-one will buy it for a rental and you can stay.
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