Thursday, July 14, 2011

In Proclaim of an Unending Relationship ? Reflection


? Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but through being the right mate. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?~Barnett R. Brickner

Right from the time we are conceived, we are into different relationships : son/daughter, brother/sister, friend, husband/wife, father/mother, uncle/aunt, grand-father/grand-mother? But it is in your marriage where you find all your relationships fulfilled together as one. ?Life?s most necessity is the want to love and to be loved. Any sort of relationship can provide this love , but only through the relationship of marriage that you best achieve this ?love?. All your other relationships limit itself to a certain extend, even it be your mother ! But your spouse becomes one in you , far beyond all the other bonds that you possess.

Marriage is not a word, but a sentence. And the person you bond with ,is not someone, but yourself. The beauty of this bond lies in loving each other, without any condition and without any expectation ? accepting one another as such ?with their flaws and strengths. It is in this selfless giving that you receive happiness. And always remember its only giving, giving and only giving? Marriage is not a bond of 50-50 as usually told. It is 100-0. Only when you have the zero expectancy, you will find a sense of oneness in the relationship. It is the unity of your thoughts, feelings, emotions, body and soul into one single being. Love in marriage does not depend on beauty or sex, but on the inner self. I don?t mean that sex is not important in marriage : Sex ?is also a part of it, but only when you feel it as an expression of your love, ?and not as a prey to your lust. ?The outward beauty fades as years pass by, but only the love within remains for all the years to come.

Love, confidence and dialogue are the basic foundations for a successful marriage. It is falling in love with the same person again and again. Trusting your spouse at the toughest of the situations. Spending some time to share your thoughts everyday. Your marriage becomes perfect when you learn to enjoy the differences inspite of the imperfections you have. Sacrifice in a marriage is not sacrificing for the other, but it is a unity in the relationship. If all couples realize the validity on this point, there would be no need of divorce or bitter marital feelings. Thus the purpose of marriage is not to find yourself complete, but to find completeness as one with your spouse.


tomorrow tomorrow c# c# axis axis an

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