Friday, April 13, 2012

The Plethora Businesses Blog: Negotiating: Not Just for Foreign ...

No matter what walk of life you come from, chances are you've spent a time or two negotiating. Maybe you tried to trade pudding cups for cookies in the lunch room or tried to talk a Toyota dealer down a couple thousand dollars. In any case, you've tried it a time or two, but never became an expert.

In the M&A world, you really are just a master negotiator; whether you're buy-side or sell-side, the important thing at the end of the day is that the deal closes. And for that to happen, you've got to find a meeting of two minds (buyer & seller). The M&A intermediary relies on negotiating skills to give their clients what they need and keep their practice open. So how does one attain these skills? Stuart Diamond.

Stuart Diamond is the human personification of negotiation, if there ever was one. He has been chosen by Google to train the entire company worldwide (30,000 employees). He holds a law degree from Harvard, where he's been an associate director in Negotiations and owns a company primarily used to teach senior corporate executives and world leaders the essential skills of planning and persuasion. He wrote the process that ended the writer's strike of 2008 in Hollywood. You can see why knowing Stuart and learning from him is not an beneficial for someone in the mergers and acquisitions world, but also a necessity. Simply stated - attending one of his workshops or classes can be what sets apart the top M&A intermediaries from the rest. Why is this important? Because now you have the chance to set yourself apart.

On Tuesday, June 5th, Stuart will be the keynote speaker at The M&A Source Spring Conference for Professional Development, sharing his wealth of knowledge to intermediaries, brokers and business professionals. But truly, anyone could benefit. Stuart's insight into the fine art of negotiating goes beyond specific industries and has helped executives from IBM, Microsoft, JP Morgan, Exxon, Honda, Hewlett Packard, Yahoo, G.E., Lucent, Japan Airlines but also parents, just trying to make their children brush their teeth before bedtime. Interested in honing your own skills? Come to The M&A Source Spring Conference in San Antonio. Remember the Alamo - Fortify Your Practice.

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