Monday, August 22, 2011

Creative Job Search Techniques ? How to Write a Resume Or CV ? hot ...

If you are looking for a new job, you will need to have extremely high level job search skills if you want to succeed at a time when so many people are being laid off. And this means that you know how to write a r?sum? or CV effectivelyOne of the most important aspects of r?sum? writing, is that you must target your r?sum? or CV and cover letter for every job. Most people create a generic resume or CV and send it out in response to a bunch of advertisements. The trouble is that you are applying for specific jobs, not a generic job title. If every secretary or nurse in the entire world did the same thing every day, generic r?sum?s and CVs would be fine. And life would be exceedingly boring.Each company or organization has its individual characteristics, products, services, customer base and sphere of influence. So a job as a secretary for Company A could differ widely from a job as a secretary for Company B, despite having the same job title.Clearly, there will be some common requirements in all secretarial jobs. But what you must remember is, everyone applying for the job will be able to meet those requirements.If you want your r?sum? or CV to get through the initial selection process, you have to do a lot more than meet the basic requirements. You have to stand out from the rest of the applicants.Perhaps you feel you do stand out and that is reflected on your generic CV. It could be that you type extra fast or you speak three languages or you have 20 years of experience and you feel that this makes you an above average candidate.Certainly, all of those examples, as well as a whole range of other abilities and qualities will raise you to above average standard. But above average is not good enough. You need to be the right candidate for this particular job.Let?s look at this a little more closely. The fact that you speak 3 languages fluently may be very impressive. But if the company only deals with English speakers and has no plans to expand its operation to include non-English speakers, it is not an advantage.Of course, it?s not entirely irrelevant. As an additional skill, placed towards the end of your r?sum?, it will show that you are bright and have studied hard, which are qualities that many employers value. But unless the employer is looking for a linguist, this should not be the first thing he sees when he reads your CV.You have to remember that it?s about what the company wants and how you can meet its needs. So read the job description carefully and create your r?sum? accordingly.

Via ?


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